汉字是中国文化的肌理骨干 ,是整个汉文化构成的因子。析字是汉语独有的一种修辞格 ,典型地体现出汉民俗文化的特点。析字修辞源远流长 ,在文字游戏、政治生活、命运预测 ,以及在文艺创作等社会语用领域都有广泛的应用 ,具有多种语用功能 ,达到了精湛圆熟的境界。
Chinese character is the skin texture and backbone of Chinese culture,as well as the key element of the whole Chinese culture.Analyzing the Chinese character meaning is a unique Chinese rhetoric,typically reflecting the characteristic of Chinese folklore culture.Rhetoric of analyzing the Chinese character meaning can go back to ancient times and is widely applied in social and pragmatic fields,such as juggle with words,political life,prediction of destiny,literary and artistic creation, etc.It possesses various pragmatic functions, coming up to an exquisite and proficient state.
Journal of Zhejiang Shuren University