目的 :通过分析 1 86例扁桃体周围脓肿的临床治疗过程 ,探讨其病因和诊断及综合治疗。方法 :广谱抗菌素 ,反复针穿刺 ,排脓及扁桃体摘除术。结果 :1 84例痊愈 ,2例并发颈部坏死性筋膜炎死亡。结论 :采用综合治疗扁周脓肿是防止脓肿复发和提高手术疗效的关键。
Objective:Through analyzing one hundred eighty six patients with peritonsillar abscess who were clinical treated in our department from 1986 to 1999, 129 males and 57 females, ranging in age from 9 to 79, we study the factor and diagnostic and comprehensive therapy. Mehtod:The treatment methods were included antibiotic drugs,repeated heedle aspiration versus incision and drainage and tonsillectomy.Result:184 cases were cured. 2 patient accompany with necrotizing fascitis were died.Conclusion:The key to choice successful comprehensive therapy for peritonsillar abscess was the confrol abscess recurrence of the abscess and to improve curative effect of surgery.
Journal of Yan'an University:Natural Science Edition