
带砌体填充墙的钢筋混凝土框架受力性能分析 被引量:9

Study of Reinforced Concrete Frame Infilled with Brick Panels
摘要 将框架高与宽的比值及梁与柱惯性矩的比值作为试验参数 ,测试了 2 1个有砖填充墙的一层一跨钢筋混凝土框架在平面内的对角荷载作用下的受力性能 ,同时测试了 3个相似的试件在水平荷载作用下的性能 .试验结果表明 ,有填充墙的钢筋混凝土框架受力性能具有 3个明显阶段 :从加载到混凝土开裂的线性阶段 ;开裂后阶段及极限破坏阶段 .根据分析试验结果 ,建立了分析模型 ,并提供了开裂。 Twenty one brick infill panels surrounded by reinforced concrete frame were tested under in plane diagonal loadings. Three other similar specimens were tested under racking load. The height length ratio and the ratio of beam moment of inertia to column moment of inertia of the frame were varied within specimen group. Results indicate that the general behavior of a reinforced concrete frame with masonry panel could be divided into three distinct phases including a linear response up to the occurrence of the first crack, the post cracking and the post-ultimate phases. An analytical model based on the experimental results was developed to predict the ultimate strength of this kind of structure.
作者 邹昀
机构地区 江南大学建筑系
出处 《江南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2002年第1期76-81,共6页 Joural of Jiangnan University (Natural Science Edition) 
关键词 带砌体填充墙 钢筋混凝土框架 受力性能分析 极限荷载 开裂荷载 刚度 infilled panel frame ultimate load cracking load stiffness
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