目的 预防静脉尿路造影中的不良反应 ,提高护理质量 .方法 使用日本东芝 5 0 0mA带透视系统X线机 ,对 175例泌尿系统疾病患者做常规静脉尿路造影检查 ,介绍其中 11例 (占6.2 8% )发生不良反应的临床症状及处理方法 ,提出了预防措施 .结果 因观察及时 ,护理得当 ,绝大多数患者取得满意的造影结果 ,仅 2例 (占 1.0 4 % )被迫中止造影 .结论 静脉尿路造影检查是安全的 ,只要护理措施得当 。
Objective: To prevent the side reactions of intravenous urography and improve the quality of nursing care. Method:175 cases of routine intravenous urography were reported, among them 11 cases(6.28%)had side reactions. The methods of treatment of side reactions and measures of prevention were recommended. Result:In the majority of the patients the results of the urography was satisfied. Only in two cases(1.04%)the program was ceased inevitably. Conclusion:Intravenous urography is a safe method in urological examination. With the suitable nursing care measures the side reactions are preventable.
Joural of Jiangnan University (Natural Science Edition)