对开放的电力市场环境 (电力联营体模式 )下的输电调度模型进行了研究。分析了以社会福利最大化 (系统运行成本最小化 )为优化目标的输电调度模型 ,指出其存在的一些不足 :报价曲线和成本曲线的区别使模型中的优化目标难以实现 ;输电设施投资的回收难以得到保障 ;难以体现输电调度机构的市场功能。在此基础上 ,建立了以最大化电力市场交易量为优化目标的输电调度模型 ,对算例计算结果的对比、分析表明 :新模型能较好地解决原模型中存在的问题 ,保证市场竞争的公平性 ,并且能消除由阻塞引起的交易盈余。
A transmission management model for unbundled electric power market is studied.Firstly,the transmission management model taking the maximized social welfare as its objective is analyzed.Some of its unreasonable points are put forward:the optimal objective can not be realized because of the difference between auction curve and cost curve, the investment for transmission facilities can not be recovered and the market function of transmission organization can not be performed.Based on this analysis,a new transmission management model is proposed, which takes the maximized deal as its objective.The results of a numerical example show that the new model resolved the problems in the original model, ensures the fair competition and gets rid of the surplus by transmission congestion.
Electric Power Automation Equipment