通过对川渝地区部分猪场环境现状的调查及猪场污水主要理化指标的监测 ,表明在目前形势下 ,川渝地区不适宜发展大规模的集约化养猪场 ,而以农户为基础的规模养猪场值得重视 ;猪舍的建筑形式以有卷帘的半开放式猪舍较适用 ;对猪场环境管理及环境保护的研究工作还需加强。在现有情况下 ,用生态系统原理 ,以土地处理为基础 ,通过对猪场粪污的循环利用 ,将养猪生产同作物生产相结合 ,值得重视。
According to the investigation and evluation of present environment state of pig farms in SiChuan and ChongQing, its not advisable to develop large-scaled pigfarm. Hower, it is appropriate to attach importance to small or middle pig farms on the basis of farmers family. The results shows that semiopen piggery with rollable curtains is more suitable. The research on piggery environmental manngement and conservation need to be strengthened. Especially more attention should be paid to handling and using piggery wastes.
Journal of Sichuan Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine