对日本枥木三樱椒下胚轴愈伤组织诱导和植株再生进行了系统研究 ,结果表明 :①BA(6 苄基腺嘌呤和NAA(奈乙酸 )的几种配比均对三樱椒下胚轴愈伤组织有良好的诱导作用。在NAA浓度为 2mg/L时 ,随BA浓度升高 ,愈伤组织诱导率下降 ;激素组合NAA 2mg/L +BA 0 1mg/L对愈伤组织诱导效果最理想 ;②NAA和BA的浓度比值对愈伤组织再分化有重要作用。NAA/BA的比值越大 ,越有利于根的分化 ;③细胞分裂素在愈伤组织再分化苗的过程中起重要作用。KT(激动素 ) 2mg/L和激素组合KT 2mg/L +NAA 0 0 2mg/L +PP3330 0 1mg/L对苗的分化有利 ,且能形成丛生苗 ;BA 2mg/L也可诱导苗的分化 ,但苗的分化率极低 。
Systematic study on callus induction and plantlet regeneration from the hypocotyl of Japanese Capsicum annuum L. Var. conoides (Mill.)Irish was conducted.The results showed:(1)All combinations of NAA and BA were able to well induce calli from the hytpocotyl of Capsicum annuum L. When the concentration of NAA was 2?mg/L,the rates of callus induction decreased with the decrease of BA concentration.The medium containing NAA?2?mg/L+BA?0 1?mg/L was the best one for calli induction.(2)The ratioof NAA/BA was very important for the formation of roots.The higher rate of NAA/BA was,the more roots came out from the calli (3)Cytokinin had positive effect on the buds differentiation.The media containing KT?2?mg/L or KT?2mg/L+NAA?0 02?mg/L+PP?3330 01?mg/L were benificial to the formation of buds,and induction of cluster buds;BA?2?mg/L could also induce bud,but the induction rate was very low,and the bud was single one.
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
河南省教委科技攻关项目 (98180 0 19)