介绍U型钢支架的应用特点及在巷道修复工程中存在的问题 ,提出采用水泥 -粉煤灰浆液和水泥 -水玻璃浆液对支架壁后进行充填和注浆加固 ,取得了较好的技术经济效果 ,为壁后存在较大空隙巷道的稳定提供了一种较好的支护与加固手段。
The paper introduces the applied characteristics and the problem existed in the tunnel maintenance of the U type steel support.The cement flyash and the cement water glass slurries are adoped as the backfilling and grouting material to reinforce the roadways supported by U type steel and shotcreting wire netting,and the good technical and economic effects are obtained,which provide a good supporting and reinforcing method for the roadways existing big cavities between suppcrts and the wall.
Journal of Shandong University of Science and Technology(Natural Science)