文章分析了自 1999年高校扩大招生以来 ,高职土木工程专业理论力学教学的现状、问题及其原因 ,指出必须根据高职的特点对教学目标进行重新定位 ,提出教学要面向社会需要 ,适应学生状况 ,紧密联系工程实际 ,以实用、够用为度 ,强化职业的实用性技术性教育 ,培养学生的综合素质、应用能力和创新精神 ,培养适应经济和社会发展所需求的应用型技术型人才。文章还就根据此目标构建具有高职特色的理论力学教学新模式 。
This paper analyzes the current situation,problems and their causes of teaching Theoretical Mechanics in higher vocational education.It points out that reorientation of the teaching goal has to be made according to the characteristics of professional training.The teaching should meet the social demands,fit the students ,and closely link to practical engineering problems.Apart from being useful and enough,the teaching should strengthen the practicality and technicality of professional training,enhance students multiple-quality,ability in application and innovative spirit,and foster talents of practical and technical type who are able to meet the needs of economic and social development.In line with this objective,the paper also tries to establish a new teaching model of Theoretical Mechanics,which is of the characteristics of professional training.