在CAI课件的开发过程中评价是一个十分重要的环节,目前,对CAI课件 的评价大多采用指标体系评定,然后对评价结果进行简单的加权,这样得到的结果往往受指标间的关联和主观等因素的影响,不能真实地反映课件质量。为此,笔者给出了用模糊数学的综合评判法来评价CAI课件的开发,使对CAI课件的评价更科学、客观。
Evaluation is an important procedure in the exploration of CAI coursewares. Though target system is mostly used in the evaluation,its result can't reflect the quality of the wares. This essay provides a comprehensive evaluation by means of fuzzy maths so that the evaluation can be more scientific and objective.
Journal of Shaoxing College of Arts and Sciences