目的 :观察电离子手术加斯奇康治疗会阴部尖锐湿疣的疗效。方法 :52例患者电离子手术后肌肉注射斯奇康 ,每次1ml(支 ) ,隔日1次 ,连用14或21支。与同期60例微波、手术或液氮冷冻后口服阿西洛韦或注射干扰素对照比较。结果 :电子手术加期奇康治疗组病例治愈率明显高于单纯微波或液氮冷冻病例 ,也高于微波或液氮冷冻后口服阿西洛韦或注射干扰素病例。结论
Objective:To observe the effect of electroion operation and BCG Vaccine for treating condyloma acum inata at the perineum.Methods:52 patients in the treatment group were treated with BCG vaccine 1ml (an ampoule) intramus cular injection after electroion operation,once every other day for 14 to 21 consecutive ampoules,and compared with 60 patients treated with oral Amoxicillion or Interferon intramuscular injection after micromave,operation or cryotherapy of liquid nitrogen at the same time.Results:The cure rate of patients with electroion operation and BCG Vaccine in the treatment group was signficant higher than those patients of the simple microwave treatment or cryotherapy of liquid nitrogen,and also higher than those patients of the oral Amoxicillin or Interferon intramuscular injection after microwave treatment or cryotherapy of liquid nitrogen.Conclusion:It is an effective method for treating condyoma acuminata at the perineum with electroion operation and BCG Vaccine.
Journal of Modern Medicine & Health