世界是由绚丽多彩的物质组成的 ,但由于社会环境、历史和文化的差异 ,英汉两种语言赋予同一种颜色的意义不尽相同 ,有的相去甚远 ,因而颜色禁忌也就迥然相异。熟悉或了解这些颜色禁忌对于跨文化交际大有裨益 ,它可以消除误解 ,减少磨擦 。
Colorful materials build the world.But the meanings of color are quite different between Chinese and English because of the social environment,history and culture,thus the taboo words of color are utterly dissimilitude.So,to clear up the misunderstanding and understand each others real meaning,we must acquaint with or understand taboo words of color in across culture communication.
Journal of Qinzhou Teachers College