教师的教育观直接影响其教育教学行为与学生心理素质的发展。心理学教师只有树立了正确的教育观 ,才能很好地发挥心理学教学对学生心理素质教育的主导作用 ,促进学生心理素质全面发展。心理学教师应该树立正确的教学目标观、新的教学质量观、现代学生观、现代教师观、新型师生观等。
The teacher's view of education affects directly his educational behaviors and the development of the psychological quality of the students. Only after establishing the correct view of education, can a psychological teacher take advantage of the principal effects of psychology to cultivate the students' psychological quality and hence to promote the all-round development of the students' psychological quality. A psychological teacher should set a variety of views including correct teaching target view, brand-new teaching quality concept, modern view of student, modern view of teacher and new concept of the relationship between teacher and student.
Journal of Chenzhou Teachers College