个人能力的形成一般表现为两个对向性运动的过程 :一个是个人通过受教将各种知识内化 ;另一个是个人通过实践将所掌握的知识外化。这两个运动是紧密联系、互为影响的 ,在能力的形成过程中处于同等重要的地位。函授教学因在培养目标、招生对象、教学内容等方面具有明显有利的条件。所以 ,在函授教学中要把上述两个对向性运动进行有机的统一 ,必须要确立新的教学观念、改进教学方法。
The formation of personal ability is achieved through the two reverse movements, one is the acquisition of different knowledge by education and the other is the employment of the obtained knowledge through practice. These two movements are closely related and influenced with each other, and have the same important position during the formation of ability. So the two movements should be unified in correspondence teaching.<
Journal of Jianghan Petroleum University of Staff and Workers