新生经济是由经济规律所决定必然产生、正处于新生阶段的有发展前途的先进经济。它是经济发展中的新生事物。新生经济学研究各种先进经济的新生阶段 ,也涉及经济的繁荣与衰退阶段。及时发现和发展新生经济 ,是做到按经济规律办事的基本途径 ,是减轻经济波动使经济持续健康发展的主要途径。新生经济与人的全面发展是一致的。“三个代表”
New economy is the kind of advanced developing economy that is now at its beginning stage. It is the new thing in the development of economy. New economics studies the beginning stage of various advanced economics as well as their prosperous and declining stages. The idea of 'three representatives' is the guiding ideology of new economics.
Journal of Jianghan Petroleum University of Staff and Workers