利用线性投影方法并借鉴价值工程的思想 ,从建筑工程项目的功能和成本两个方面 ,对涉及多个因素的工程项目进行综合评价 ,给出综合评价的新方法。首先 ,根据专家对工程项目功能的评分用线性投影的方法确定功能综合评价系数 ,然后与各工程项目的成本系数共同构造综合评价指标 ,根据综合评价指标的大小来评价各工程项目的综合效果。文中对两个案例进行了建模计算 ,并将计算结果与价值工程以及模糊聚类方法的分析结果进行比较 。
This paper gives a new method, using both Value Engineering(VE) method and linear projection pursuit technique. A new asessing index ( w ) is constructed through function coefficient ( f ) and cost coefficient ( c ), which is w=f/c. According marks of the building project from variable function factors given by experts, the function coefficient ( f ) can be calculated through linear projection pursuit technique. On the other hand, cost coefficient ( c ) is decided by unit cost. By this way, we can comprehensively analysis each plan. Basing on the coefficient w , we can assess the effect of building project and draw a right conclusion. The result of two examples show that this new technique is much more efficient than traditional methods, and it is easy to apply in practice.
Systems Engineering
四川大学青年基金资助项目 (4 0 10 432 0 0 4)