塑料血袋盛义务献血员的静脉血 (含适量保养液 )并置 4℃冰箱保存。在保存前、后不同时间检查各项指标 ,旨在研究抗氧化剂保养液延长人血红细胞在 4℃条件下的保存时间 ,以缓解血液保存供应的压力 ,为输血抢救创造有利条件。实验分 3组 :ACD组 ,GMA组和抗氧化剂 (SOD)组。研究结果表明 ,在 4℃条件下保存 75天后SOD组红细胞血红蛋白回收率为 87.2 % ,血浆血红蛋白 (mg/L)为 193.2 ,P5 0 (mmHg)为 34.0 (正常值为 33.1) ,最大变形指数 (DImax)为 0 .2 4 13,即为正常值的 74 .3% ,外观检查无明显溶血、变色、气泡和凝块。结论提示 ,用抗氧化剂保养液保存红细胞在 4℃条件下可延长到 75天 ,其红细胞血红蛋白和血浆血红蛋白回收率附合国家《血站基本标准》
Aliquots of venous blood from healthy donor were collected in plastic blood storage bags with ACD, GMA or antioxidant solution(superoxide dismutase, SOD), respectively, and stored at 4℃. After storage for varying periods, the parameters of the blood were detected in the blood samples. Results showed that the parameters of the blood stored at 4℃ for 75 days in SOD group were following: the recovery of RBC Hb was 87.2%, plasma Hb(mg/L) was 193.2, P50(mmHg) was 34.0 (normal value was 33.1); deformability(DImax) was 0.2413 (74.3% of normal value). There was no evident hemolysis, color change, air bubble and clots. It was concluded that human RBC stored at 4℃ for 75 days with SOD solution, recovery of levels of RBC Hb and plasma Hb were accorded with the requirements of 《Basic Demands of Blood Station》 in China.
Journal of Experimental Hematology
全军医药卫生指令性科研课题基金资助编号 960 50 0 6