本文介绍一种非线性数据快速排序的BASIC程序设计方法。此算法与线性分类相比较,节约1000×N/250%的CPU的间(N为要分类数据的数量),同时也给出了没有递归调用的BASIC设计递归程序的方法。 此算法已在GREAT WALL—0520机上用BASIC语数实现。
This paper presents a method to implement the quick sorting algorithms with nonlinear data as input in BASIC Langnage. Compared with other linear sorting algorithms the quick rorting algorithm can save more than 1000 X N/250 percent of CPU time, where N is the number of data element of the input.The BASIC program shows a method to design a recuvsive program with a nonrecursive programming language, BASIC. The program has run on the GREAT WALL-0520 computer.
Journal of Natural Science of Heilongjiang University