伴随着信息技术与信息产业的迅速发展 ,网络营销将成为最热门、最活跃的信息交易活动 ,成为各国争先发展、各个产业部门关注的领域。中国网络营销的发展虽然刚刚起步 ,面临着体制、技术、管理等诸多问题 ,但通过社会各方面的努力 ,网络营销将影响人类社会、经济、管理、服务等各个方面。
With the rapid development of information technique and information production,Internet-marketing will become the most brisk and heat business activities,and an important area for all countries and different productions,as well.Though Chinese Internet-marketing is just at the beginning stage and faces with lots problems such as system,techniques and management,as the efforts paid by the all resources of society,Internet-marketing will affect human society,economics,management and service etc.
Journal of Jilin Province Economic Management Cadre College