空气中花粉散布规律性的研究对于予防、诊断、治疗花粉致敏疾病具有重要的意义。 本文报道的是1987年4月15日至1988年4月14日南岗区的观察结果。本市4月中旬开始到11月上旬有花粉飘散,其他月份极少或无。一年中共出现两次高峰,即春季4—5月和夏季8月,春季花粉主要是榆属(Ulmus L.)、杨属(Populus L.)、柳属(SalixL.)、桦木属(Betala L.)、槭属(Acer L.)、蔷薇科(Roaceae)、木樨科(Cleaceae)、胡桃科(Juglandaceae)和松科(pinaceae)等木本植物。夏秫花粉是草本植物、主要的有蒿属(Artemisia L.)、葎草属(Humulus L.)、藜科(Chenopodiaceae)、苋科(Amaranthgceae)和禾本科(Gramineae)等。
The airborne pollen grains of Harbin region were examined. A total of 432 slides containing 83657 airborne pollen grains belonging to, 30 families and 72 genera or species were made from 15 th Apr. 1978 to 14 th Apr. 1988 Among them there are 12 predominant species with more than 1000 pollen grains in one year. There are two peaks of airborne pollen in the atmosphere of Harbin region, one is in Spring (April and May) , the other is in Summer and Autumn (August) . The first airborne pollen peak was mostly wood-plants, their pollen quantity wcs very large, but airborne time was short. The second airborne pollen peak was mostly herb plants, their pollen quantity was very hightoo, and continuous airborne time was 3 - 4 months from June to October. Among them the Artemisia L, Humulus L., Gramineae, Chenopodiaceae, Amaranthaceae Ulmus L.Populus L. were aller-gis pollfn.
Journal of Natural Science of Heilongjiang University