Internet的迅速发展使IP网络环境处于经常性的变化之中 ,IP网管系统应该能适应这种变化 ,具有结构可扩展和功能可扩充、可维护等特性。层次化的IP网管模型可以较好地解决集中式IP网管模型的可扩展性差和管理效率低等问题。在研究了移动代理的迁移、管理和控制技术以及其网管功能扩充方案的基础上 ,基于Tcl脚本语言实现了一个移动代理平台原型系统 ,并以此构建了一个具有移动代理功能的层次化的IP网管系统 ,它使网管工作站能够委托其下级管理者协同完成指定的网管任务 。
Due to the rapid evolution and transformation of current IP network, management system should be provided with scalable architecture and extensible functions. This paper has implemented a prototype of mobile agent platform based on Tcl script language, which can be used to design a hierarchy IP network management system. With this system, a network management station may delegate one or more mobile agent to sub level managers to fulfill some given network tasks. Hierarchical IP network management systems based on mobile agent platform might overcome the weaknesses of centralized IP network management and obtain more flexibility and maintainability.
Application Research of Computers
国家"8 63"高科技基金资助项目 (863 3 0 6 ZD 0 6 0 2 0 1)