传统的手工建筑工程量统计方法不仅费时而且容易出错,利用计算机自动完成工程量统计工作则可以很好地解决这一问题.介绍了一个基于规则的建筑结构图自动识别系统(automatic interpretation of structuredrawings,简称AISD).该系统以矢量化后的电子图档为基础,通过总结建筑工程图结构特征及绘图规则,自动分析图中的各种图形元素、符号以及其关系,理解各种部件信息,并加以综合,以获取正确的建筑工程钢筋用量.通过对工程图的特征进行详细的研究,总结出一套基于规则的适应不同类型工程图的理解方法.试验结果表明,这种方法为建筑工程图的自动识别和理解提供了一个可取的解决途径.
Traditional work of quantity survey is time consuming and low quantity. To do the work automatically by computer is a good solution. A rule-based system for interpretation of vectorized construction drawings automatically (AISD) is presented in this paper. Based on summarizing the features and rules, it recognizes graphical primitives and symbols in construction drawings, analyzes relationships between them, interprets information of construction element and calculates the quantity of reinforcement steel. Based on the study of features of construction drawings, a group of rules are developed for interpretation of different kinds of construction drawings. Experimental results show that it provides a sound solution for understanding and interpretation of construction drawings.
Journal of Software