提出城市人居理想的核心内容是安全、天人合一、宜人性、平等和文化性 ,分析了我国现代城市一系列问题 :民工潮、人口老龄化、生态环境破坏和文化冲突等 ,指出通向城市人居理想的途径就是处理好人与自然、人与人这两对矛盾关系 .
The urban residential ideal which includes safety, harmony with nature, humanity, equality and culture is put forward. But the development of modern cities deviates from the urban residential ideal to some extent. There are some urban problems in the Chinese cities such as waves of redundant rural laborers pouring into the cities, population ageing, ecological environment deterioration and cultural clash. The correct handling of man-nature and man-man relations is the way to the urban residential ideal.
Journal of South China Normal University(Natural Science Edition)