采用有限元动力分析程序 ,对采用铅芯橡胶支座作为减、隔震装置的桥梁结构进行了非线性动力分析 ,研究了不同场地地震激励对桥梁结构减震性能的影响 ,并与板式橡胶支座的减震效果进行了比较。分析结果表明 ,与板式橡胶支座相比 ,铅芯橡胶支座可以有效地降低结构的内力和位移响应 ,改善结构的抗震性能。
In this paper,the nonlinear dynamic responses of the railway bridge equipped with seismic reduction and isolation bearings are analyzed by finite element program.During the analysis,different seismic sites are considered,and the responses of the bridge with different bearings are compared with the objective of determining the effect of different bearings on anti seismic performance of the bridge.The results show that the use of isolation bearings (LRB)improves the anti seismic performance of the bridge,and decreases the displacements of the upper ends and internal forces of piers substantially.
Journal of Shijiazhuang Railway Institute