目的 :探讨不同测量者之间存在的人工测量误差大小 ,提高测量结果的准确性。方法 :选取 10张已定点的头颅侧位片描图纸 ,由 5位有一定临床经验的正畸医师在一周内完成 17项测量指标 (角度测量 12项 ,线距 5项 ) ,用计算机辅助测量值衡量他们的误差大小。结果 :平均误差大于 0 .5的测量项目有SL、GoGn SN、SE、FMA、FMIA、OP SN、1 1、IMPA、SNA ,其中SL、GoGn SN的平均误差大于 1。结论 :需作辅助线的测量项目误差偏大且有统计学意义 ;角度测量值与线距测量值的误差无显著差异。
砄bjective: To assess interexaminer errors in traditional cephalometric analysis so as to improve the accuracy . Methods : Ten cephalometric radiographs were selected randomly and 12 angular and 5 liner parameters were measured by 5 orthodontists in one week according to the original landmarks. The results were quantified with that of computer based. Results: The mean errors of some measurements were larger than 0.5, such as SL,GoGn SN, SE,FMA,FMIA,OP SN, 1 1 ,IMPA and SNA,while only those of SL and GoGn SN were larger than 1.0. Conclusion: Statistical significant differences are found in the The errors of measurements which need assisted line among the examiners but not found in the errors between angle measurements and liner measurements?
Journal of Practical Stomatology