目的 :总结分析下颌升支部和下颌体部截骨矫正下颌前突畸形的手术和正畸治疗特点。方法 :根据手术设计需要 ,将 12 5例下颌前突畸形患者分下颌升支部截骨和下颌骨体部截骨两组 ,并分别进行内容不同的术前术后正畸治疗。结果 :两种术式均获得满意的治疗效果。下颌升支部截骨和下颌骨体部截骨满意率分别为 88.3%和 83.3%。 2例下颌体部截骨术后 2年复发 ,行二次手术予以矫正。结论 :必需根据不同的术式 ,设计不同的术前术后正畸方案。一方面保证下颌前突畸形患者获得满意的美学改善 ,同时在新建的颌位上应具有良好的牙合关系。
?Objective:To analyze the therapeutic characteristic of mandibular prognathism by means of orthognathic surgery and orthodontic treatment.Methods:125 patients with skeletal mandibular prognathism were treated by intraoral ramus osteotomy or mandibular body osteotomy,They also accepted different preoperative and postoperative orthodoitic treatment according to different surgery.Results: Satisfied results were obtained through combined treatment of orthognathic surgery and orthodontics.The effective rate of intraoral ramus and mandibular body osteotomy was 88.3% and 83.3% respectively .Two patints treated with mandibular body osteotomy relapsed in two years,and mandibular body osteotomy was performed again to correct the diformity.Conclusion:proper pre and postoperative orthodontic treatments are necessary in order to assure asethetics effect and ideal occlusion in new position.
Journal of Practical Stomatology