本文认为产品经济、计划经济体制、全民所有制是构成传统经济体制的三个基础性范畴。它们之间互相依托和支撑 ,形成了一个存在内存逻辑关系的“三驾马车”体系。“三驾马车”体系在创建社会主义经济制度的初期 ,曾经发挥过积极作用 ,但是随着情况的变化 ,逐渐走向反面 ,成为束缚生产力发展的绳索 ,因此 ,最终导致了“三驾马车”体系的解体。产品经济、计划经济的否定 ,没有改变社会主义制度性质 ,同样 ,全民所有制范畴的扬弃 ,也不会改变我国走社会主义道路的根本方向。“三驾马车”体系的解体 ,不是科学社会主义的完结 ,而是在辩证的否定中把它推向一个新阶段。
The Author argues in the paper that the traditional institution is composed of the product economy,planning economy and the ownership by the whole people.These three systems are dependent and supported one another,thereby forming an institution with a close relation in logic.This institution played a positive role in beginning of establishing our socialism,but gradually became negative for promoting the productivity,and collapsed finally.The denial of the product and planning economy changes no the nature of socialism institution,and developing the ownership by the entire people useful and discarding its useless do not alter the way of socialism,neither.The collapse of such institution does not mean to end the socialism;rather,it affirms the socialism with denials.
Research On Financial and Economic Issues