采用日本的NIDEK US-2000型超声生物测量仪对520只眼进行视轴长度、晶体厚度、前房深度及玻璃体厚度测量。其中正视眼100例,200只眼。屈光不正160例,320只眼。通过SYSTAT软件进行数据处理,对近视程度与视轴长度、前房深度、晶体厚度、玻璃体厚度的关系以及近视的成因进行分析。结果表明,近视眼的视轴明显高于正视眼,并随着屈光度的增加而增大。在不同的屈光组之间,视轴的差异非常显著。玻璃体增厚是视轴长度的主要变化。分析和探讨正视眼和近视眼的内在联系和相互影响,以寻求控制近视眼的方法。
The anterior chamber depth, lens thickness, ocular axial length and vitreous thickness of 520 eyes were measured with NTDEK US - 2000 A - scan ultrasonoscope. There are 200 normal eyes in 520 eyes, the others are myopic eyes. In this study, we applied SYSTAT software package to deal with the data, analyzed the correlations among axial length, lens length, anterior chamber depth, vitreous thickness. The results revealed that the length of axis in myopia is markedly longer than that of normal eyes. The axial length in myopia is increased with the degree of diopter. The difference-ofthe axial length among the different groups are very remarkable. This paper analyzed the interrelationship and influence between normal eyes and myopic eyes to search for the effective way to control myopia.
Bulletin of Medical Research