目的 探讨球部尿道悬吊术治疗前列腺切除术后尿失禁的疗效。 方法 前列腺切除术后尿失禁患者 5例 ,病史 2~ 10年。 1例完全性尿失禁 ,4例每天需尿垫 2~ 5块。在尿动力学检查仪监测下采用球部尿道悬吊术治疗。 结果 4例术后能完全控制尿 ,无排尿困难 ;1例术后出现排尿困难 ,经膀胱颈部电切后排尿通畅。 结论 球部尿道悬吊术是治疗前列腺切除术后尿失禁的有效方法。
Objective To evaluate bulbourethral sling procedure in the treatment of post prostatectomy incontinence. Methods 5 patients with post prostatectomy incontinence underwent the bulbourethral sling procedure.Preoperatively 1 patient was completely incontinent and 4 patients required a mean of 3.5 pads per day.The mean duration of incontinence was 4.5 years. A sling tension of a mean of 500 g was used to correct incontinence. Results 4 patients have been completely dry,whereas postoperative difficulty in voiding occurred in the other patient and was corrected by subsequent transurethral bladder neck revision resulting in free passage of urine and continence. Conclusions The bulbourethral sling procedure is an effective means in the treatment of post prostatectomy incontinence.
Chinese Journal of Urology