目的 通过回顾性分析急诊就诊患者的基本资料 ,总结就诊规律 ,合理配置急诊人力、物力资源。方法 对 2 0 0 0年 1~ 12月所有急诊患者的资料进行回顾性分析。结果 患者就诊高峰时间约为 10∶0 0~ 2 1∶0 0时 ,周末及节假日患者明显多于工作日 ,且大部分患者属于内、外科。急诊患者虽然危重症较多 ,但收住院率偏低。结论 根据患者分布规律 ,应调整急诊专科设置 ,取消分科 。
Objective To analyze the basic materials and characteristics of emergency patients and to use the resources of emergency department reasonally.Methods All patients of emergency department during the period Jan~Dec,2000 were analyzed retrospectively.Results The patients coming to the emergency department were more at holidays and weekends than the working days, the peaktime of patients arriving was 10∶00 to 21∶00.More than 1/3 patients need to be admitted to hospital but only 3.9% can be admitted.Conclusions We should adjust the speciality apparatus and deploy human resources according to the patients characteristics of the emergency department.
Beijing Medical Journal