
关于地理学的“人-地系统”理论研究 被引量:227

Theoretical studies of man-land system as the core of geographical science
摘要 本文强调地理学面临的问题正在由自然因素引发的环境变化到人类因素引发的环境变化 ,分析了我国“人地关系”变化的严峻态势。指出地理学对“人地关系地域系统”研究可为实施可持续发展战略提供理论基础。阐述了“人地关系地域系统”研究在我国地理学理论发展中的地位 ,并对如何研究“人地关系地域系统”进行了探讨。 In the late 1970s and early 1980s, geographical science entered a new stage, which is characterized by the shift of major attention from the nature dominated environmental changes to the human dominated ones, that is, the interactions between natural process, biological process and human activity. All this shows the changing nature of geography is at the core of dramatic changes within ecosphere, the dynamic man land relationship. Unfortunately, it is the dramatic relationship that has led to the continuing destruction of resources bases as well as ecological and environmental bases upon which human being are dependant. Given the global changes, geographers are obliged to carry out theoretical and empirical studies about sustainable development and environmental protection, from both man land relationship and regional perspectives. The central issues to be concerned are the influences of global change on China and rational approaches for China to realize sustainable development. In recent years, Chinese geographers have contributed a lot to the fields of natural environment, territorial planning and regional development, providing scientific analysis and suggestions essential to China's responses to global change and sustainable development. However, the potential advantages of geography in terms of resolution of these critical issues have not been realized so far. To change such a situation, geographers have to make great efforts to synthetic theories and methodologies, giving full recognition to the theoretical studies of man land territorial system. The issues of sustainable development should remain as major concern by China's geographers in a long time. In fact, the efforts to coordinate the man land relationship aim at the realization of sustainable development. Clearly, the theories of man land territorial system should work as important theoretical bases of sustainable development. Therefore, it is a significant task for geographers to enhance the theoretical studies of man land territorial system. The prior issues regarding man land territorial system are as follows: 1) studies on regional differences from systematic perspective; 2) a deeper understanding of the characteristics of man land territorial system; and 3) studies on the approaches for comprehensive integration. Furthermore, the development of methodologies with comprehensive and systematic perspectives, territorial and dimensional perspectives as well as model building and simulation applicable to practice deserves more efforts.
作者 陆大道
出处 《地理研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期135-145,共11页 Geographical Research
基金 国家自然科学基金委员会重点基金"中国区域发展地学基础的综合研究"资助 (4 0 1310 10 )
关键词 人地关系 人地关系地域系统 环境变化 人类因素 可持续发展 man land relationship man land territorial system theoretical studies
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