磁斥力 (又称磁悬浮力 )在地学中的应用正在受到越来越多的关注。本文以吉林夹皮沟金矿为例 ,通过磁悬浮成矿背景 ,磁悬浮力与成矿物源的关系 ,磁悬浮力持继存在与钾质岩石放射性核热能在富金中的作用 ,磁悬浮力与流体运移模式 ,磁悬浮力大小交变规律与成矿流体脉动等距性贯入耦合关系等特征的讨论 ,提出磁悬浮力成矿机制。该机制的主要学术思想是通过板块体旋转所产生的岩石剩磁磁斥力、磁斥力对流体的影响或控制来探求成矿作用。它力图从另一角度对绿岩金矿、与金相伴的有色多金属抗磁性矿物、金铀矿床和喷溢铁矿浆等方面给出若干新的解释 ,为成矿作用研究开辟新的领域。
Magnetic levitation force or magnetic repulsive force is an objective and strong force, which may play some role in mineralizations of Au as well as nonferrous metals. The paper, taking the Jiapigou gold deposit in Jilin as an instance, dealt with the metallogenetic characters of magnetic levitation, including: ①metallogenetic setting of magnetic levitation; ②the relation between magnetic levitation and origin of metallogenetic materials; ③the effects of magnetic levitation force continuing exist and radioactive heat energy released from potassic rocks for Au concentrating; ④the relation between magnetic levitation force and fluid flowing; ⑤metallogenetic fluid forming of magnetic levitation; and ⑥alternating law of magnetic levitation force and coupled isometric intruding of metallogenetic fluids. Based on what mentioned above, a mechanism for gold deposit was represented, which thought that the remanence magnetic repulsion in rocks was procreated by plate rotating or subducting, and metallization explore by the way of magnetic repulsion affecting or controlling fluid. The plate collision and followed rotating/subducting and bending must have broken electrical and magnetic balances in the former dynamic system. Positive and negative ions, drifting oppositely each other, concentrated together in transforming area between two dynamic systems. When the same magnetic poles met, magnetic levitation force created on transforming plane. Magnetic repulsive force could raise an amount of fluids, which drew Au, Cu, Pb, Zn and other elements from the country rocks. Such a mechanism gave a new metallogenetic model for Au, Au U deposits and accompanied nonferrous metal ores in greenstone belts. Based on the distribution of magnetic repulsive force and magnetic attraction force, the potential areas for further exploratory were discussed.
Chinese Journal of Geology(Scientia Geologica Sinica)
国家攀登计划 (No .95 预 2 5 )
国家重点发展规划项目 (No.1 9990 4 32 0 6 )
Magnetic levitation force, Gold metallogenetic characters, Metallogenetic mechanism