目的 探索金粉蕨素对脂质过氧化保护作用。方法 取昆明种小白鼠 48只 ,随机分成 6组 ,分别给予溶媒、维生素E和不同剂量的金粉蕨素 ,然后采用溴代苯所致实验性肝损伤 ,再用TBA测定肝匀浆的丙二醛 (MDA)含量。结果 不同剂量的金粉蕨素均可明显降低肝匀浆脂质过氧化产物MDA的含量 (P <0 .0 1 ) ,其中 ,低和中剂量组的MDA含量较高剂量组低。结论 金粉蕨素具有较好的抗氧化作用 ,对脂质过氧化损伤具有一定的保护作用。
Objective: To investigate the protective effect of Onychin on lipid peroxide in mice. Methods: 48 mice were randomly divided into 6 groups.Vehicle, Vitamin E and different dose of Onychin were given respectively, and then experimental injury of mice liver was induced to make use of bromobenzene and the content of MDA was determined in liver homogenate. Results: Different dose of Onychin significantly decrease the content of lipid peroxide MDA in liver homogenate (P< 0.01). Among them, low and middle dose of Onychin showed a stronger effect on lowing MDA than high dose of Onychin. Conclusion: Onychin possesses anti-oxidation and protective effect from liver damage induced by lipid peroxide.
Journal of Nanhua University(Medical Edition)
国家卫生部课题 (98- 1- 345 )
湖南省教委课题 (98B10C)