目的 探讨基底节性失语的临床特点及发病机制。方法 选择经CT扫描证实为单侧基底节区病变患者 6 0例 ,在发病 2周 ,1月及 2月分别进行失语症检查。同时 ,进行BEAM及CT图象标准化处理。结果 基底节性失语患者病灶多在基底节区偏外侧 ,偏前部及偏上部。病变偏外侧者脑电地形图异常率高 ,且此类患者多有较重的听理解障碍 ,而尾状核受损者失语中有明显的构音障碍及音韵障碍。结论 基底节性失语有其临床特点 ,导致失语的机制多与基底节病变直接或间接影响皮层语言区 (血流量减少、代谢低下 )有关 ,但尾状核似可作为言语的皮层下整合中枢 。
Objective To study the clinical characteristics and pathogenesis of subcortical aphasia. Methods Sixty patients with unilateral basal ganglion lesions confirmed by CT scans were studied. Aphasia examinations, BEAM and CT image standardization were performed in two weeks,one month and two months after onset. Results Most aphasia patients had lesions in the lateral, front and upper part of basal ganglion. BEAM is largely abnormal in the aphasia patients of lateral type who had serious auditory comprehension disturbance. Prominent dysarthria and dysprosody occurred in aphasia patients with lesions in caudate nucleus. Conclusion Basal ganglion aphasia has its clinical manifestations. It is mostly due to the damage of language related zone of hemisphere caused directly or indirectly by basal ganglion lesions(blood supply insufficiency and low metabolism). Caudate nucleus serves as a subcortical center in controlling language and its disturbance causes aphasia in some patients.
Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science
湖北省自然科学基金资助课题 (2 0 0 0J0 69)
湖北省教委资助课题 (1995 )