目的 探讨脂肪肝发病与生活习惯等行为因素的关系。方法 在 110 2 6名不同职业人群中 ,以B超检查诊断的脂肪肝 1171例 ,与同期查体的条件相似的非脂肪肝 1182人作为对照组进行统计学分析。结果 脂肪肝组零食、夜食、急食、家外餐、饮酒、吸烟、乘车、看电视时间及缺乏锻炼发生率与对照组相比 ,两组差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 1) ;脂肪肝组保健知识水平、对肥胖及脂肪肝危害性的认识与对照组相比 ,差异亦有显著性意义 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 脂肪肝的发生与饮食、不良生活习惯、缺乏保健知识及轻视脂肪肝危害等行为因素有关。
Objective To explore the relationship between fatty liver and behavior factors. Methods 1 1026 persons with different occupations were examined by B ultrasonography, and 1 171 patients were diagnosed with fatty liver. Results The incidences of alcohol drinking ,smoking, taking car,watching TV,and less exercise between patients with fatty liver and control group were significantly different.The knowledge about the effects of fatty liver to health in the two groups is also significantly different. Conclusions Fatty liver is closely related to some behavior factors, such as diet, life habits, less knowledge of and inattention to fatty liver.
Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science