ve:To investigate the feasibility of testing olfaction by electroencephalogram (EEG) and brain electrical activity mapping (BEAM). Methods:The EEG and BEAM were recorded in 54 cases (29 males and 25 females, ranging in age from 7 to 76 years old)with disosmia (12 cases) and with normal olfaction (42 cases) by using 3-Methylindole as a stimulant. Results:In group of 42 cases of adults with normal olfaction, 94. 0% EEG of the a mode EEGs appeared decrease in the amplitude and index of the wave decrease in the power value of the a wave in REAM. And in group of 12 cases with disosmia, the β mode EEG and EEGs were no significant change. Conclusions: The measurement of the olfactory evoked EEG and BEAM should be significant for the detection of the olfactory functions.
Chinese Arch Otolaryngology-Head Neck Surg