
脑电图、脑电地形图测试嗅觉的临床应用探讨 被引量:4

Clinical application of electroencephalogram & brain electrical activity mapping for testing olfaction
摘要 目的:通过对随机选择的有或无嗅觉的病人进行嗅觉诱发脑电图(electroencephalogram,EEG)和脑电地形图(brainelectricalactivitymapping,BEAM)测试,探讨EEG和BEAM测试嗅觉的可行性。方法:用3-甲基吲哚作为刺激物,对12例无嗅觉者,42例有嗅觉者进行EEG和BEAM测试。结果:嗅觉正常成人脑电图为α型脑电图(即脑电图中以α波形为主要波形)时给予嗅觉刺激,94%可见脑电图α波的振幅降低和指数(同类脑波在单位时间内出现的次数)减少,脑电地形图α波功率值降低;β型脑电图者(即脑电图中以β波形为主要波形)则不易看出改变。嗅觉障碍者脑电图无改变,这二者脑电地形图亦无改变。结论:嗅觉诱发EEG,BEAM可作为嗅觉客观检查的一种参考依据,但有局限性。 ve:To investigate the feasibility of testing olfaction by electroencephalogram (EEG) and brain electrical activity mapping (BEAM). Methods:The EEG and BEAM were recorded in 54 cases (29 males and 25 females, ranging in age from 7 to 76 years old)with disosmia (12 cases) and with normal olfaction (42 cases) by using 3-Methylindole as a stimulant. Results:In group of 42 cases of adults with normal olfaction, 94. 0% EEG of the a mode EEGs appeared decrease in the amplitude and index of the wave decrease in the power value of the a wave in REAM. And in group of 12 cases with disosmia, the β mode EEG and EEGs were no significant change. Conclusions: The measurement of the olfactory evoked EEG and BEAM should be significant for the detection of the olfactory functions.
出处 《耳鼻咽喉(头颈外科)》 2002年第2期79-81,共3页 Chinese Arch Otolaryngology-Head Neck Surg
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