报道了尿中氟硝西泮代谢物 7 氨基氟硝西泮 (7AFLZ)的高效薄层色谱 (HPTLC)定性分析和半定量分析方法 ,分析物斑点用荧光胺进行荧光显现 ,灵敏度高 ,检测限 (LOD)为 5 μg/L ,测量限 (LOQ)为 15 μg/L。该方法可以检测人口服 1mg氟硝西泮后 48h内排泄尿中的 7AFLZ ,适于麻醉抢劫犯罪案件中的药物检测。
A rapid and highly sensitive method, based on high performance thin-layer chromatography, is described for the qualitative and semiquantitative determination of 7-aminoflunitr-azepam, the main metabolite of flunitrazepam in human urine. 7-Aminoflunitrazepam in specimen was extracted by solid phase extraction using GDX-403 porous polymer bead as sorbent and ethyl ether as eluant. Fluorescamine was used as a reagent to produce fluorescent product on the plate. The limit of detection was 5 μg/L and the limit of quantitation was 15 μg/L for 7-aminoflunitrazepam in urine. The method can be successfully used for measuring 7-aminoflunitrazepam in urine samples of the subjects excreted over a 48 h period after receiving 1 mg flunitrazepam orally. The method is applicable to drug examination for the cases of drug-facilitated robbery and rape.
Chinese Journal of Chromatography
国家"九五"重点科技攻关计划子专题 ( 96 919 0 1 0 5 4)