干苔经冷水、热水、热酸水三步提取多糖。配位吸附动力学研究表明 ,与钙型、铝型树脂相比 ,铜型树脂对干苔多糖吸附最快、吸附量最多。pH值分步配位沉淀反应研究进一步显示干苔多糖与Cu2 + 的沉淀能力比Al3 + 好。采用三种 pH值铜盐络合沉淀 ,得到初步提纯五种多糖 (冷提糖Ⅰ、热提糖Ⅱ、Ⅲ、酸热提糖Ⅳ、Ⅴ ) ,用离子交换 (静态 ,动态 )法除去铜离子 ,得到纯度为 98.4 %的干苔多糖 ,回收率达 97.8%。离体条件下 ,几种多糖在对人胰腺癌SW 1990细胞的无血清培养中 ,热提糖Ⅲ表现出较好的抑制活性。该多糖还与固定化藻蓝蛋白表现出一定协同抑制肿瘤细胞生长的作用。
Polysaccharides were extracted with cold, hot and acid water from enteromorpha clathrata grev. The method of ion exchange was used to study the dative adsorption kinetics. It was found that the Cu 2+ resin had the best adsorption effect for polysaccharides, which compared with Ca 2+ resin and Al 3+ resin. The step by step dative precipitate reaction of pH showed that the precipitate ability of the Cu 2+ and polysaccharides was better than Al 3+ . Five kinds of polysaccharides were obtained by this method. The ion exchange methods (static adsorption and dynamic adsorption) were used to remove Cu 2+ , polysaccharides with 98.4% quality was obtained, IR spectrum showed that the polysaccharides(Ⅲ) which were extracted with hot water was acidity polysaccharides. In vitro, on the cell culture polystyrene plate which were photo immobilized phycocyanin, the polysaccharides can inhibit the growth of pancreatic cancer SW1990 cells effectively.
Journal of Functional Polymers
广东省自然科学基金 (970 848)