
哺乳动物核移植中供核与受体卵胞质细胞周期的相互关系 被引量:3

Cell Cycle Interactions Between Donor Nucleus and Recipient Cytoplasm in Mammalian Nuclear Transfer
摘要 就供核与受体卵胞质细胞周期的相互关系问题进行了综述 .核移植技术不管是在基础理论 ,还是在应用研究中都具有广泛的应用价值 ,但核移植的效率却很低 ,其根本原因是与核移植相关的许多基础理论问题尚不清楚 ,对这些问题的研究发现 ,维持重构卵核的正确倍性 ,并使其重新程序化是核移植成功的关键 ,不同的胞质受体及不同的供体细胞及其状态均对重构胚的发育有影响 . Nuclear transfer from somatic cells provides a wide range of opportunities, both in basic and applied research. However, the efficiency of the nuclear transfer procedure remains low. The fundamental reasons are that the basic mechanisms of nuclear transfer are unclear. The research work in the past on these questions have shown that two groups of factors have multiple effects on the reconstructed embryos in nuclear transfer. The first are those involved in maintaining ploidy of the reconstructed embryos and the second are in reprogramming the donor nuclei. Some of the cell cycle interactions between the donor nucleus and recipient cytoplasm are reviewed.
出处 《生物化学与生物物理进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期206-210,共5页 Progress In Biochemistry and Biophysics
基金 中国科学院知识创新重大项目 (KSCX1 0 5 0 1) 科技部攀登项目 ( 95 专 0 8)~~
关键词 核移植 核质关系 重编程 细胞周期 nuclear transfer nuclear cytoplasmic interaction reprogramming cell cycle
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