
Price流失意图简化模型的跨文化效度研究 被引量:8

A Cross-culture Validity Study on Reduced Price Model of Turnovev Intention
摘要 Based on a sample of 154 employees from 3IT companies in Xi’an,this paper conducts a confirmatory empirical study of examining the cross\|culture validity of reduced Price (1999) turnover intention model.This paper analyzes the relationship among the variables in the model and gets a model with good fit index. Based on a sample of 154 employees from 3IT companies in Xi'an,this paper conducts a confirmatory empirical study of examining the cross\|culture validity of reduced Price (1999) turnover intention model.This paper analyzes the relationship among the variables in the model and gets a model with good fit index.
作者 张勉 李树茁
出处 《统计研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第3期47-51,共5页 Statistical Research
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