采用我国大亚湾、秦山和北京土壤 ,模拟核裂变产物137Cs在 0Bq kg土、3 3×1 0 4 Bq kg土、3 3× 1 0 5Bq kg土、3 3× 1 0 6 Bq kg土污染水平时 ,研究土壤 -小麦系统的污染影响与137Cs核素的转移规律。结果表明 :在本试验条件下小麦生长发育处于正常状态 ,未发现对小麦有不良影响 ;小麦分别在 3个污染水平下从试验用的 3种土壤中吸收137Cs的趋势是一致的 ;小麦植株中137Cs的比活度随137Cs施入量相应以数量级增加 ,两者间呈十分显著的正相关 ;137Cs在土壤 -小麦系统中的转移系数随土壤的性质不同而变化 ,在同一污染水平下转移系数在n× 1 0 - 2 ~n× 1 0 0 范围变化 ;在同一种土壤中 ,随土壤污染水平的提高 ,转移系数亦有所提高 ,但变化范围不大 ,对北京土转移系数为 2 2× 1 0 - 2 ~ 5 4× 1 0 - 2 ,大亚湾土转移系数为 1 0 4~ 2 0 9,均在同一数量级内变化 ;对秦山土转移系数为 0 51~ 1 2 1。
The study emphasized on the effects of 137 Cs on spring wheat and transfer factors in soil\|wheat systems.The results show that the spring wheat grown normally under the experimental conditions and no adverse effects appeared; the absorption trends of 137 Cs by spring wheat were in the order of Dayawan soil>Qinshan soil>Beijing soil;the specific radioactivity of 137 Cs in wheat increased in the magnitude order varying with the radioactivity of 137 Cs applied in the soils and the relationship was significant difference in positive;the transfer factor(TF) of 137 Cs in the soil\|plant systems varied with the characteristic of soil and the range was within n×10 -2 ~n×10\+0 in the same activity of contamination; in the same soil\|plant system the TF value increased varying with the radioactivity of 137 Cs contamination in the range of 2.2×10 -2 ~5.4×10 -2 for Beijing soil\|plant system,1.04~2.09 for Dayawan soil\|plant system and 0.51~1.21 for Qinshan soil\|plant system.
Journal of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences
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