笔者报道对冠状动脉腔内成形术患者开展了个体化健康教育。阐述对入院病人进行评估判断 ,然后在标准健康教育计划的基础上制定个体计划 ,对疾病程度不同的病人及住院的不同阶段实施相应的教育内容 ,并根据病人文化程度不同采取不同的宣教方式 ,让病人了解手术的目的、方法、掌握手术配合要点 ,顺利完成治疗 ,效果满意。认为健康教育能有效防止或减少PTCA术后并发症的发生 ,改变不良行为 ,提高自救能力 。
In this paper, the authors report the effect of individualiged health education after PTCA. They formulated individual program on the basis of standard program of health education. Education contents and education methods varied with the degree of severity of the disease, different admission time and patient's education level in order that they could understand the purpose methods and key points at which they cooperated so as to make the operation done smoothly. They concluded health education could prevent or reduce complications in an effective way so as to build a good base for their recovery after leaving hospital.
Nanfang Journal of Nursing