目的 总结Devine矫正术治疗隐匿阴茎的疗效。 方法 采用Devine术治疗单纯性隐匿阴茎 9例 ,年龄5~ 14岁。 7例为肥胖患儿 ,其中 1例曾行阴茎体固定术失败 ,3例曾用绒毛膜促性腺激素治疗无效。 结果 本组手术后阴茎均显著外露 ,凸出 2~ 3cm。随访 3~ 6个月 ,阴茎无明显回缩 ,勃起功能正常。 结论 隐匿阴茎多因肉膜层发育异常所致。采用Devine矫正术充分切除失去弹性的肉膜层 ,松解阴茎 。
Objective To evaluate the curative effect of Devine's technique in correcting the concealed penis. Methods The study was performed on 9 patients with simple concealed penis aged from 5 to 14. Seven of them were corpulent, one of which had with failed penis shaft fixation, and three had failed HCG treatment previously. Results All the peraes were sposed clearly with 2~3 cm profrusion after the operation. Followed up for 3~6 monthes, no obrvious reduction of the penis had been shown. The function of erection were all satisfactory. Conclusions Devine's technique is a satisfactory method for correction of the simple concealed peres in children. By the technique, the unelastic Darfos fascia is resected and the restricted penis can be released sufficiently.
Chinese Journal of Modern Operative Surgery