
小鼠前庭感觉器官发育的形态学研究 被引量:1

Morphological study on the development of mouse vestibular sensory organ
摘要 目的 :探讨小鼠前庭感觉器官发育的特点及规律。方法 :应用光镜对昆明种小白鼠的前庭感觉器官从胚胎第 10天 (ED10 )至出生后第 14天 (P14)的发育过程进行形态学研究。结果 :小鼠前庭感觉器官的形态发育过程可分为四个时期 :1)耳泡发育期 ;2 )前庭感觉器官上皮增殖期 ;3)前庭感觉器官上皮分化期 ;4)前庭感觉器官发育成熟期。结论 :小鼠在出生时 ,前庭感觉器官的上皮已充分分化发育 ,出生后 Objectives:To explore the characteristic and rules of vestibular sensory organ development in mice.Methods:The developing vestibular sensory organ of Kunming white mice aged from the tenth embryonic day(ED10) to fourteenth postnatal day(P14) were studied by light microscopy.Results:The development process of vestibular sensory organ may be divided into 4 periods according to the morphology changes.they are:(1)The development stage of otocyst;(2)The proliferative stage of the vestibular sensory organ;(3)The stage of defferentiation of vestibular sensory;(4)The maturation of vestibular sensory structures.Conclusion:The contiation of vestibular sensory epithelia had well finished by P1. The structures of vestibular sensory organ had achieve full development at 2th week after birth.
出处 《中国民政医学杂志》 2002年第1期15-17,共3页 Medical Journal of Chinese Civil Administration
基金 河南省科委科技攻关项目 ( 981170 5 0 9)
关键词 实验动物学 小鼠 前庭 感觉器官 发育 形态学 感觉上皮 Vestibule Sensory epithelia Development Mouse
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