Objective:To investigate the effects of mucosal strengthening treatment on preventing recurrence of closedvarices. Methods: In 264 patients with esophageal varices obliteration by banding ligation and sclerotherapy, of 136 patientswere gone on to treat with strengthening mucosa, and 128 patients without strengthening treatment. All patients had beenobserved out of hospital for 1-13 years. Results: There were no recurrence and rebleeding of esophageal varices in the groupwith strengthening treament. But in the group without strengthening treatment, 25 patients (19. 5%) had isolated or strip-like varices with red colour signI small veins grew thick and part of mucosa appeared clear hyperaemia in 21 patients(16.4% ); 6 patients (4.7% ) rebleeded. There were significant differences between two groups (P<0.05). Conclusion:Treatment with strengthening mucosa definitly had good strong effects on esophageal varices obliteration, which could pre-vent recurrence and rebleeding of esophageal varices.
Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University