目的 调查D18S872基因座在成都汉族 ,新疆维族和蒙古族 ,甘肃回族 4个民族中的遗传多态性 ,获得群体遗传学基本数据。 方法 等位基因分型标准物制备采用分子克隆技术 ,样本基因分型采用PCR和PAG垂直电泳技术、银染显色方法。 结果 获得D18S872基因座等位基因分型标准物及该基因座在 4个群体中的遗传学数据。 结论 结果表明D18S872基因座在法医学个人识别和亲子鉴定中有一定的应用价值。
Objective To study the genetic polymorphisms of the new STR locus D18S872 in Chinese Han, Hui, Wei and Mongolia populations in chengdu area. Methods Allelic ladder was obtained using clone technique. The products of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were analyzed by nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and silver staining. Results The allelic ladder of D18S872 locus and get the populations genetics data at D18S872 locus were get in the 441 samples. Conclusion The results in this study show that D18S872 locus has certain value in forensic practice.
Journal of Law & Medicine