普通话二字组词语不同的声调组合方式 ,使前后位声调产生不同的动态变化形式。前位声调的动态变化明显表现在上声调变为低降调和中升调上 ;后位声调的动态变化则表现在调值的明显改变上。后位声调的动态变化更为普遍 。
Because of the different combinations of tones of two?word phrases of the standard spoken Chinese, the tones of the first and second positions have different dynamic changes, the tone of the first position being apparently changed from falling and rising tone to low and falling tone or rising tone, while the tone of the second position in tone values. Dynamic changes of the tone of the second position are more common than others, to which sufficient attention should be paid.
Journal of Binzhou Teachers College