本文分析了当前高校工会面临科教兴国、创新教育的新任务 ,面临机构改革、利益调整的新问题 ,面临新任务和新问题给工会带来的新考验 ,探讨了工会工作与时俱进、开拓创新的内容、方式、方法。
This article points out that university labour unions are confronted with a new task,a new problem,and a new test brought by them.A new task is to vitalize the country through science and innovative education;A new problem is how to adapt to the restructure of the institutions and the readjustment of interests as a consequence;a new Test is to check how labour unions can deal smoothly with the above mentioned task and problem.The writer also provides some viewpoints on how to blaze new trails for union's work,so as to keep up with the time.
Journal of Fuzhou Teachers College