中国共产党成立 80多年的历程中 ,经历了马克思主义与中国实际相结合的三次历史性飞跃。从上世纪末开始的 ,以江泽民重要思想创立为标志 ,第三次历史性飞跃正在展开。第三次历史性飞跃是发展社会主义市场经济的客观要求和结果 ;是加强党的建设和科学社会主义发展的客观要求 ,是经过蓄势与准备的。江泽民重要思想 ,对党的先进性、党的宗旨进行了时空定位和提出了定量要求 ,为党的建设提供了根本标准 ,充满了与时俱进的创新精神。
In the course of the establishment of the Communist Party of China,more than eighty years have passed.Our Party has experienced three historic leaps of the combination of Marxism And Chinese reality.At the end of last century,the establishment of Jiang Zemin's thought marks the beginning of the third leap.The third historic leap is the objective demand and inevitable result in the development of the socialist market economy and also the objective demand for strengthening our Party and the socialist construction.It is well-prepared.Jiang Zemin's important thought has proposed a quantificational demand and a basic standard to our advanced Party,and has made an orientation to our Party's aim.Its creative spirit is going steadily with the development of our socialism
Journal of Yichun University