乔俊杰、马玉山在《修辞学习》撰文认为,《陋室铭》中“无丝竹之乱耳,无案牍之劳形”句 第一个“无”字似误,与“可以调素琴,阅金经”甚是抵牾。此论缺乏确凿证据。要探讨这个问题,必 须弄清“素琴”与“丝竹”的含义。
There published an article in Rhetoric Study witten by Qiao Junjie and Ma Yusha. They doubted that in Ode to my Humble Room, it seems to be mistaken in the first 'No ' in 'No sizhu annoying my ear, and no official document troubling my mind', the evidence is that it is contradictory to 'You may tune the plain lute and read The Diamond Sutra'. Qiao and Ma's idea lacks authentic testimony. To inquire into this problem, we should make clear the meaning of the plain lute and 'Sizhu'.
Journal of Shangqiu Normal University